
The stars have aligned

This last bit of treasure is astrologically appropriate -- it's a flyer for Virgo Beauty Salon. They specialize in "all types of hair" and are currently looking for a part-time barber. Part-time barber I am not, but virgo I am. I should start getting my hair cut there, right? That would only make sense. They've also got a "discount special on treatment and colour," whatever that means. I don't really know what these treatments are, but maybe they're for hair types other than my own.

Anyway, this flyer made it into my milk crate, despite the presence of several other bikes with milk crates and classier baskets in the vicinity. It's as though the litterer knew.


At 8:56 p.m., Blogger Thin_Yellow_Duke said...

Dude, you're a virgo? I'm a sagittarius!

y'know, that sounded less random in my head.


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