Hell hath broken loose

Amusingly enough, after the last post about a lack of junk in the milk crate, I checked on it today to find a mess of things. The photo doesn't even show them all, so crammed to capacity was the crate. To make things easier for everyone (and also because there aren't enough lists on this site) I've compiled an itemized list of the contents:
1. One soiled copy of last week's Now.
2. One empty styrofoam cup, of the smallest possible size.
3. One travel size bottle of Scope mouthwash, Cinammon Ice flavour.
4. One paper bag, crushed.
5. One bag of corn nuts.
6. Two mints, still in wrappers.
7. One empty mint wrapper.
8. One cardboard pizza plate, orange in colour.
9. One piece of falafel wrap paper, stained with hot sauce.
C'est tout.
clearly the people have found out about your blog and are trying, so kindly, to help out!
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